
Don't let mercury get you

Remember back throughout your life — all those trips to the dentist… The buzz of the drill…The peculiar smells… That numbing shot before your cavities were filled…

The truth is, you left the dentist’s office with more than a numb mouth… Odds are, you left each time with a little bit more of a deadly metal in your mouth — mercury in the amalgam of your fillings.

Contrary to what you’ve heard (maybe even from your own dentist)…Once you have these amalgam fillings in your teeth, your body’s level of mercury rises each time you chew food or gum… or drink hot liquids (as mercury vapor is released and absorbed by your body).And mercury is deadly, no question about it.

Mercury Rates in the Top SixMost Poisonous Metals on Earth

Just how dangerous is mercury?
Consider why you can’t buy a mercury-filled thermometer anymore… And why you can’t find that old standby red antiseptic Mercurochrome?As you’ll soon see, toxic accumulation of mercury alters your brain function. It damages your nervous system and heart. While children are particularly at risk, you’re not safe at any age. And, while your primary source of mercury contamination resides right there in your mouth, it’s not the only one…There’s the food you eat, the air you breathe, the vaccines you take… Even the area you live in may subject you to more mercury accumulation.

Fortunately, today there is GOOD NEWS about dealing with mercury. You can follow a few simple and natural steps to prevent a dangerous and potentially deadly buildup of toxic mercury.

Are physicals really necessary?

Yearly physical exams are intrusive, time-consuming and expensive... but are they necessary? Not really.

Learn which tests you should really be getting instead of the blanket yearly physical, like cholesterol tests...

Diets = lifesaver

The global epidemic that has the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization in an uproar is - obesity. And you could easily be one of the 300 million victims of this global epidemic stalking you and your family right this moment.

Obesity an epidemic?
Perhaps a quick glance in the mirror will convince you - or you could just take a gander at the other people around you...

FACT: An astonishing 65.2% of Americans suffer from obesity today.


-Increases your risk of type-2 diabetes by 300%
-Increases your risk of high cholesterol by 200%
-Increases your risk of heart disease by 200%
-Increases your risk of arthritis by 200%
-Increases your risk of high blood pressure by 200%

And that's just the tip of the iceberg... How about your increased risk of amputations, strokes, kidney failure and blindness?

What's worse, it's not just adults who suffer.

Learn how to attack obesity through diets!

Prevent your cancer

For decades, the word “cancer” has triggered waves of terror in the middle-aged and seniors alike.' Most believed they could neither predict nor prevent the mysterious and dreaded cancer disease, which is now a top cause of death in the United States.

In recent times it has been found true that numerous cancers ARE preventable.

Many lethal forms of the cancer take shape during youth and lie dormant, developing for 10 to 40 years before they are finally diagnosed!

Learn how to keep yourself healthy by preventing cancer!

To see or not to see

When you were a child, did you ever play a game called blindfold? In this game, you don a blindfold and pretend to be blind. Another child becomes your caretaker and leads you around, helping you avoid hazards and obstacles.

Now imagine that this is NOT a game. What if this was your reality? Goodbye unfettered independence, stunning sunsets and secret smiles.

No, losing your eyesight is no game. Yet, sadly, neither is it improbable, no matter where you live in the world.

FACT: An astonishing 33 million Americans will lose their eyesight this year due to cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). So, if you are interested in saving your eyesight, particularly after the age of 50, you need to learn how to take better care of yourself and learn about protecting your eyesight.

Eat more fat! Omega-3, that is.

Imagine going to your doctor and hearing: "You just aren’t eating enough fat. You need more". Would you think you were dreaming? Well, it may sound crazy — and you have about as much chance hearing it from your own doctor as you do of seeing pigs fly — but it’s true!

There is a catch:
If you want to stay healthy, live longer, and avoid diseases like depression, brain disorders, heart problems, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, even cancer — you have to eat the RIGHT KIND of fat.

But of course it isn’t the fat commonly found in doughnuts, french fries and fast food take-out.

This 'good' fat is known as Omega-3. It is the kind of fat that has been shown by scientific and medical studies to:
-Counteract your risk of stroke and heart disease (so you can kick back and enjoy your relaxed retirement years)…
-Slash your risk of cancer, particularly of the prostate, colon and breast…
-Outfight autoimmune and inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid, lupus, M.S. and psoriasis (and the pain and activity-limiting stiffness that accompany them)…
-Boost healthy insulin response and relieve neurological symptoms associated with insulin-dependent diabetes…
-Block the development of depression (and catastrophic brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s)…
-Combat behavioral problems like ADHD, autism, even angry and violent behavior…

So get yourself healthy and learn all about Omega-3!

Preventing Heart Attacks

Heart attacks kill nearly a million Americans a year: rich and poor, the famous and the forgotten...

Strokes kill over 160,000 a year...and often without warning...

In fact, cardiovascular disease is so common that 64 million Americans suffer from some form of it (and 39 million of these folks are age 65 or younger)...

So if you're worried, you should be. And if you're not, you really should be. After all, you've only got one heart.

Fact is, heart disease is the #1 killer in the United States. So if you're not feeling entirely comforted by the ministrations of modern medicine a prescription for side effect-laden statin drugs, an aspirin every day, the gloomy prospect of heart bypass surgery I don't blame you one bit.

Preventing heart attacks is crucial! So learn how to keep yourself healthy.


Don't Have a Coronary

FACT: Each year, there are more than a million heart attacks in the U.S. . About half of them die. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S.
FACT: Each year, over 700,000 people in the U.S. suffer strokes. And sadly, stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death in this country; it causes more serious long-term disabilities than any other disease.

These statistics are from the National Institutes of Health.

Now, if you're anything like me, you don't want to be another sad "statistic".
The bad news is — you are likely to become another heart attacks or stroke statistic if you continue to believe the life-threatening lies which have been perpetuated by the mainstream medical machine, the money-hungry food industry, the billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry, and of course, the traditional media.

Learn how to avoid having heart attacks and preventing heart attacks!

Are vaccines really good for you?

Vaccines have "conquered" disease, right? Wrong!

Growing evidence suggests that improved public health measures and nutrition — not vaccines — have led to a decline in infectious disease.
In fact, according to NewsMax medical editor Dr. Russell Blaylock, those very vaccines you and your children endure "for your own good" may instead leave you hammered with:Altered brain development, seizures, and loss of brain cell connections .
Unfortunately, it gets worse. Instead of worrying about measles, mumps and chickenpox, better start thinking about Lou Gehrig's, Parkinson's and autism. Why? Because these are just a few of the diseases linked to vaccines.

Read about vaccines


Can One Control One's Memory?

You have more control over your brain's memory functions than you realize. While Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia continue to strike down victims at an unprecedented pace, you don't need to surrender to the living hell of outliving your own memory. Memory can be improved through nutrition, Dr. Blaylock argues. In fact memory aids are best found in your diet. Many memory problems can be cured.

Read up on memory and diet tricks!

Don't Let Diabetes Get You!

5.2 million Americans suffer from full-blown diabetes — and don’t know it… yet. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

You could be one of the additional 41 million Americans living with the early stages of this dreadful disease smoldering secretly inside them.

Diabetes is affecting so many more people, especially children, but the good news is: Diabetes is preventable!!!!!

Learn about good diabetes prevention methods!