
To see or not to see

When you were a child, did you ever play a game called blindfold? In this game, you don a blindfold and pretend to be blind. Another child becomes your caretaker and leads you around, helping you avoid hazards and obstacles.

Now imagine that this is NOT a game. What if this was your reality? Goodbye unfettered independence, stunning sunsets and secret smiles.

No, losing your eyesight is no game. Yet, sadly, neither is it improbable, no matter where you live in the world.

FACT: An astonishing 33 million Americans will lose their eyesight this year due to cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). So, if you are interested in saving your eyesight, particularly after the age of 50, you need to learn how to take better care of yourself and learn about protecting your eyesight.

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