
Don't let mercury get you

Remember back throughout your life — all those trips to the dentist… The buzz of the drill…The peculiar smells… That numbing shot before your cavities were filled…

The truth is, you left the dentist’s office with more than a numb mouth… Odds are, you left each time with a little bit more of a deadly metal in your mouth — mercury in the amalgam of your fillings.

Contrary to what you’ve heard (maybe even from your own dentist)…Once you have these amalgam fillings in your teeth, your body’s level of mercury rises each time you chew food or gum… or drink hot liquids (as mercury vapor is released and absorbed by your body).And mercury is deadly, no question about it.

Mercury Rates in the Top SixMost Poisonous Metals on Earth

Just how dangerous is mercury?
Consider why you can’t buy a mercury-filled thermometer anymore… And why you can’t find that old standby red antiseptic Mercurochrome?As you’ll soon see, toxic accumulation of mercury alters your brain function. It damages your nervous system and heart. While children are particularly at risk, you’re not safe at any age. And, while your primary source of mercury contamination resides right there in your mouth, it’s not the only one…There’s the food you eat, the air you breathe, the vaccines you take… Even the area you live in may subject you to more mercury accumulation.

Fortunately, today there is GOOD NEWS about dealing with mercury. You can follow a few simple and natural steps to prevent a dangerous and potentially deadly buildup of toxic mercury.

1 koment:

Surf Selection tha...

This is such great info. My niece is about to have some fillings put in, i'll definitely be passing along the info to her mother!